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The Student News Site of Bishop O'Gorman High School


The Student News Site of Bishop O'Gorman High School


The Student News Site of Bishop O'Gorman High School


Footsteps of Faith: O'Gorman's transformative journey to Rome and Assisi
Footsteps of Faith: O'Gorman's transformative journey to Rome and Assisi
Kathryn Pellicotte, Staff Writer • September 5, 2024
Dr. Lebrun teaches at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.
Welcome back OG!
Margaret Althoff, Staff Writer • September 5, 2024
Cooking with Chlo
Chloe Fritz, Staff Writer • September 6, 2024
Comic: "Tuck in your shirt!"
Penelope Swier, Illustrator • August 23, 2024
Comic: "The Fun Kind"
Colin Berry, Illustrator • August 21, 2024
The Grammys deliver shade and shine
Ava Donelan, Page Editor • August 7, 2024
XC: Putting in the hard work
Chloe Fritz, Staff Writer • September 6, 2024
Boys soccer: Chasing championship glory
Nora Boetel, Staff Writer • September 5, 2024
Buzek: Here to play
Margaret Althoff, Editor • August 21, 2024
Jimmy Ryckman
The life-changing power of language learning
Ava Guzzetta, Staff Writer • September 6, 2024

Whether you take one year of a foreign language or five, the journey of learning a foreign language is transformative. It has the power to shape...

Dr. Lebrun teaches at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.
Welcome back OG!
Margaret Althoff, Staff Writer • September 5, 2024

Welcome back, O’Gorman High School students! It is incredible how quickly the new school year has arrived. As we embark on this journey, let...

Footsteps of Faith: O'Gorman's transformative journey to Rome and Assisi
Footsteps of Faith: O'Gorman's transformative journey to Rome and Assisi
Kathryn Pellicotte, Staff Writer • September 5, 2024

This past summer, a group of O'Gorman students along with faculty members from the Theology Department, set off on a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi....

Which underclassman will you miss the most?
August 21, 2024

Which teacher has impacted you the most?
August 21, 2024

"I can't wait" doesn't allow us to live in the present
Ava Donelan, Page Editor • August 21, 2024

"I can't wait for Friday.""I can't wait for summer.""I can't wait to have freedom in college." The expression "I can't wait" is thrown around...

Tracy Chapman performs during the 2024 Grammy Awards.
The Grammys deliver shade and shine
Ava Donelan, Page Editor • August 7, 2024

On Feb. 4 the long-awaited Grammy winners were announced. Some awards were well deserved, and some have been left out of a hard-earned Grammy. To...

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