Ms. Madison Thaden
Your esteemed advisor, Nora Boetel
One month of school done! Yay! 8 more to go…
By now, we all know where our classes are and where we sit. We’ve mapped out the routes we take to get from one to the next and which friends we get to talk to in between. Teachers are starting to assign too much homework and giving tests. But on the bright side, football season has started and homecoming is right around the corner!
I love dressing up for the themes during homecoming week! I’ve never won an award for it, but I think it’s fun to go all out for the themes, and I encourage everyone to. Another fun part about homecoming week is the games we play on Friday. I’ve never been able to participate because I’m in a fall sport, but anyone who is able should definitely sign up for an activity. Finally, after the football game, there is a post-game party in the parking lot of O’Gorman with a DJ and snacks. My friends and I are always there late into the night dancing with everyone. I hope you all find homecoming week just as exciting as I do, and do yourself a favor and participate in the fun!